528Hz Resonator being Developed


The creation and sharing of the 432Hz Heart Resonator has been a wonderful journey and has been incredibly well received by so many people.  Personally it has been a healing agent for my heart and has assisted  me in opening to life in ways I did not know were possible.  After spending two and a half years immersed in the vibration of 432Hz I am now being pulled to create a 528Hz frequency for my own expansion.  There is an incredible amount of information available on the benefits and power of each frequency. I will leave it to you to do the research but I will share some of my personal observations.  

The 432Hz frequency seems to vibrate my entire body bringing all my cells into cohesive resonance.  Centered in my heart I can feel the energetic ripple effects extending out through my being.  It feels like gentle waves calming and soothing me.  It allows me to be grounded in my body and helps to open my heart to tolerance and compassion.  I leave my 432Hz Heart Resonator running 24x7 and have them in multiple locations.

The 528Hz frequency has a much different effect on me.  It immediately penetrates the space between my eyes and gives me an expansive feeling.  It is less like a gentle wave and more like a powerful pulse.  I tend to feel a bit light headed and less in my body.  It seems more multidimensional than calming.  I'm not sure I can be with this frequency 24x7 but I don't think that is its purpose or is required.  

As I develop the 528Hz audio track I will share what I experience with this vibration.  I'm not sure when it will be publicly available but I will keep you posted.  My sense of all this work is that 432Hz is a universal heart opening frequency for humanity and that I have a role in continuing to spread the vibration around the planet.  528Hz clearly is a powerful healing and expansion frequency with a very specific purpose.  

Reading frequency details online I find much information on the power of each tone.  I am not sure the information fully aligns with my personal experience.  As I spend time with each frequency going forward I will share what I experience and feel.  It is up you to go inward to determine how it vibrationally affects you.

Blessings and thank you for all the incredible support,

John - Planet432  


Tatsama 528Hz Resonator


Energetically Preparing for 2021