Heart Totem Electronics Complete

The electronics for the outdoor Heart Totem and indoor Mini Totem are complete.  Both units use the same components which help to stream line ordering and building. While both are hand made and hand painted it is still really helpful to use all the same internal electronics.  We are using a 3D printer to create all the internal structural parts.  The picture above gives you a glimpse of the Heart Totem's internal design.  The yellow components are made on our 3D printer out of corn starch.  The sound quality is a major step up from the original totems' and you can hear (sound) and feel (waves) the difference. Now that we are done with the electronics we can start to design our solar option. Power usage is very very low...less than 10 watts per hour.  If you run it continuously it will cost you less than 3 cents per day (California power costs). We will keep you posted on the solar option.

Hopefully this summer!


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